Mosquito Street, Morata 1, P.O. Box 405 Boroko, Port Moresby 133, Papua New Guinea


Culture and Music Festivals
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We Organise Cultural Festivals

Melanesian Cultural Festivals composed of Melanesian Art Exhibition, Melanesian Music and Song Performances, and Melanesian Cultural Show. All types of festivals can be combined or separated, depending on the host island, host clan or host village.

Melanesian Arts and Handicrafts Festivals can also be held in line with Melanesian Foods and Melanesian Drinks Festival.

The celebrations of arts, culture, handicrafts, music and song are encouraged to be done in connection with the "documentation and mapping of storylines", in order to revive and restore the spirit of Melanesia and Melanesia-hood. 

Melanesian Cultural Festival can also combined with Melanesian Natual and Social Festivals.

Arts and Handicrafts Festivals

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Music, Song and Dance Festivals

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Social and Culture Festival

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